#Tanka 28 & 5 — Positive Pink

Early this morning, a force eight gale chucked drizzle about, slammed gates, broke fences, snapped branches off trees, and threw refuse bins about. To counteract the melancholy that threatened me at sight and sound of the mayhem, I donned my favourite bright pink raincoat and took my dog on an energising walk.

Immediately we returned home, the wind dropped, the sun came out, and it seemed I’d even managed to cheer up the weather with my dazzling gear! This led me to wonder if people call bright pink “shocking pink” because it shocks them out of their gloom.

Seeing how this colour has had such a positive effect upon me up today, I’ve decided to share two tanka poems: one new and one old (both related to pink), as well as some random photos of pink flowers.


~Artificial light~
Reflection of hydrangeas
in dark window glass.
After midnight, party girls
stagger home, petals faded.

Winter Rhododendrons

Metallic winter
enhanced by rhododendrons
— rejuvenation –
an old woman with grey hair
wearing neon pink lipstick.

Fuchsia in Rain


Pink Rose


#Tanka 25 — Camellia


Transient glory,
this Camellia moment:
better here than not.
Remember that day she wore
her red-flowered poplin dress.


For those of you who are unfamiliar with this poetic form, you might like to read my earlier post at https://sarahpotterwrites.com/2012/12/07/tanka-3-a-brief-guide-to-the-31-syllable-poetic-form/ and then perhaps have a go at composing a tanka of your own. Please do feel free to post links to your poems in “comments” to this post.