Monday Morning #Haiku 129 — Little Egret (01)


Ghost feathers trick eye …
flurry of autumn snowflakes
is Little Egret

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

12 thoughts on “Monday Morning #Haiku 129 — Little Egret (01)”

    1. And thanks to your bird identifying skills a few weeks ago, I knew what to call the white bird! I only discovered yesterday that egrets in the heron family. Funnily enough, there was a heron around that day, too. Also a cormorant. Lots of birds out wading and fishing.

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  1. Those feathers do look quite ghost-like Sarah, lovely shot of your beautiful egret. We had snow here a couple of days ago as you know…for all of 5 minutes! xxxxxx

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    1. I didn’t know what sort of bird it was when I photographed it, but Andrea Stephenson identified it for me.
      We’ve just had strong winds, driving rain, and the odd rumble of thunder. But our friends up in Manchester awoke to a very white landscape. The snow hasn’t settled for more than a day in the last 3 years where I live. Better not speak too soon. xxxxxxx

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