Friday Fictioneers — Boy Enfolded


PHOTO PROMPT © Björn Rudeberg

She wears a green satin dress, the cello cocooned in the shimmering folds of its skirt. Her skin is flawless ivory. The waves of her chestnut hair tease her back as she draws the bow across the strings. Elgar’s cello concerto.

He’s eight-years-old. Serious. His eyes are like saucers behind his round glasses as he sits too close to the television, in awe of her. There’s no delineation between her and the music; they are one and same, both spellbinding in their beauty. She’s nine years his senior, but too perfect to be anybody’s older sister.

1994. Natalie Clein. His first love.


In 1994, cellist, Natalie Clein won BBC Young Musician of the Year at the age of 17. Here is a video of her playing a the 3rd Movement of the Elgar cello concerto 14 years later in 2008.


Friday Fictioneers: 100 word stories
Photo prompt: image (c) Björn Rudberg