Monday Morning #Haiku 187 & #Tanka 36 — Cliffs

Limpet clamped to rock
Centre of its universe
Cliffs irrelevant

Humans dice with death;
rocks only fall on others
’til they fall on you.
Eroded by wind and waves,
cliffs house skeletons galore.

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

20 thoughts on “Monday Morning #Haiku 187 & #Tanka 36 — Cliffs”

    1. I am so glad that you saw both the sinister and the profound in these poems, Andrea. They took several hours to write, while I searched for the best words to portray exactly that! I love writing haiku and tanka poems, as their creation is akin to meditation.

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  1. If someone ever asks me how the mind of a Creative works, I will refer them to you. You see what many do not see, Sarah, as all good writers and poets do.

    Happy Monday my friend!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Bill 🙂 My brain works overtime, as I’m sure yours does, too 😉 Such is the life of a writer, with all its sensory input and output!

      These photos were taken on a walk I went on with a friend last weekend. Halfway along the beach, when we had to walk closer to the cliffs, I started getting worried about potential rockfall and said I didn’t want to go any further, to which she replied, “And a meteorite might come and get you!” I love witty friends.

      Wishing you a happy Monday, too, my dear friend.


    1. Ah, the limpet! It’s very tiny in that photo, so it’s a bit like I-spy with my little eye, something beginning with “L” 😉
      I’d rather than be queen of observation, than Queen of England! Glad you liked my pics and obs 🙂

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      1. I had to click on it to blow it up, figured the limpet was that shell-thingy, looked it up, confirmation. Man, you made me work hard today!
        Always love your pics and obs

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Sunshine 🙂 Such great praise from the queen of masterful and thought-provoking poetry and literature! I’m always pleased to educate without even setting out to do so! I guess that limpets are commonplace for those who live in coastal towns like me. There are probably things related to inner city living that I’ve never heard of.

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  2. If ever a pertinent reminder not to walk close to the cliffs, this is it. So much enjoy your poetry and photos dearest Sarah. Love the sweet limpet, blissfully oblivious of the sinister warning of the cliffs xxxxxxxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Liked both poems – the tanka stood out because of the diversity I felt in part a and part b
    the part a seemed to end with a zinger “til it falls on you” (um, nuff said – reap what you sew and your tactics can backfire, etc.)
    and the second part – which flowed well, but also had that darker vibes with what is housed there.
    one to ponder for sure

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 🙂 I like your analysis of the poems and that I have left you with things to ponder. It is my dream to see work on the reading list in universities and have the students analyse it 😉 It appeals to my wry humour, as I never went to university!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. well what a sweet dream to have – that is like admirable – and I am not just saying that – as opposed to making bug bucks or ego crap – to want your work to be analyzed is just cool. IMO –
        and in the meantime – just keep doing what you do with the readers you have – right – and see where good writing takes itself

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      2. oh and just FYI – I do think that it helps so much when authors give us tidbits about depth, metaphor, symbols, etc.
        It is a courtesy in blog land (again, my opinion) but to write a dense and meaty piece and then just leave it out there without a tidbit is leaving to much for the reader – so when nuggets are dropped or a few things explained – it can make the piece come alive while it teaches us….
        and so thanks for hinting that there was more here

        Liked by 1 person

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