Wordless Wednesday — Cold bonfire ash, the latest fashion in fox-beds

Fox resting in bonfire ash (01)

Fox resting in bonfire ash (02)

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

20 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday — Cold bonfire ash, the latest fashion in fox-beds”

    1. I hadn’t thought of that. This picture was taken from upstairs in my house on a zoom lens, as the fox was in my neighbour’s garden. A few days before this, the garden had been like a jungle in which four foxes went to sleep everyday, but then my neighbour cleared the area. What I thought when I saw the fox was that he had just returned to his usual sleeping spot out of habit, which happened to be where the bonfire had been.

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      1. May be it was his spot, but I know the wild animals are instinctively afraid of the smells related to fires, burned wood in particular. It surprised me to see the fox sit right in the middle of the bonfire site. Very unusual. Did you see the foxes again? I would love to live in the house with such a view 🙂

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      2. I haven’t seen the fox resting in the garden next door since then, but I think he has been in the garden that backs onto my garden. I know that the woman who lives 4 doors up the street from my house has a fox family living in her garden at the moment — mother, father, and several cubs. I do have a lovely view from my house, both back and front. The front looks over the rooftops to the sea and the back … well, next week I think I’ll post a picture of my back garden, rather than my next-door neighbour’s one! 🙂

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      3. A fox family in the back garden! I will give you a glimpse of my reality. A fellow photographer posted a picture of a lizard on Facebook, and I drove almost 20 miles to that place to see the lizard. I saw him, but haven’t managed to take a picture. True story.
        Looking forward to your next blog! 🙂

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      4. 20 miles! I’m so glad that you got to see the lizard. They’re not easy to photograph, as they startle easily. I remember spending about half-an-hour standing very still waiting for a slow worm to reappear, having startled him during my first attempt to capture him on camera. By the time he’d reappeared, I’d worked out how to take the picture without letting my shadow fall over him. I think that is the art of photographing that type of shy creature — no shadow and staying very still, so as not to cause any vibration of the ground. Here’s a link to my picture. https://sarahpotterwrites.com/2014/07/16/wordless-wednesday-slow-worm-the-garden-hero-that-eats-slugs/

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      5. Such a beautiful creature! You have got a great angle for this photograph. I too have a picture of a slow worm somewhere. He was exhausted trying to get off a sandy path, and didn’t even move anymore. I took a picture and helped him off the road to the grass. No reptile pictures in Ireland, so far, but I am going to the Reptile Village tomorrow, and hope for a successful shot 🙂

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      6. I love them too 🙂 Not next week, Sarah, may be in September. I have scheduled my blog posts for all the summer. This Saturday I will write about people, and next Saturday about Fairies 🙂

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  1. Oh Sarah, you know how much I envy you for the amazing view you have of this beautiful fox family…thank you for posting these lovely pics! But I’m amazed to see a fox lying in bonfire ash…I guess it was it’s favourite place to lie no matter what was on the ground. Did I tell you that daughter sees a fox on our front lawn sometimes in the small hours? Her bedroom overlooks the front and she is practically nocturnal (very common for Aspies). She’s seen this fox and also a badger (not at the same time!) fairly frequently. I need to get her to get some pics!!! xxxx

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    1. Oooo, a badger. I’ve not seen one of those around here, although that’s probably good, as they like to tunnel and inadvertently trash gardens (as happened to one of my neighbour’s gardens when I lived in Brighton). My son is a bit of a night owl, too, although he’s around for more of the day than he used to be. I’m guessing with Aspies that they develop a love for the nighttime, as it’s quiet and relatively unpopulated. xxxx

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      1. Yes, so far this badger hasn’t done any damage and hope it continues that way! Yes, very true about Aspies. Daughter has always said that the only job she could handle would be one offering the nightshift 🙂 xxxx

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