Monday Morning Haiku #73 — Hibiscus (“Denim Revolution”)

Hibiscus (Denim Revolution)

Sunshine expected
Hibiscus dressed in denim
Never mind the rain

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

17 thoughts on “Monday Morning Haiku #73 — Hibiscus (“Denim Revolution”)”

    1. It’s pelting down today. Poor Hibiscus … looking decidedly bedraggled, her denim in a sorry state. So glad I got to photograph her when she’d only suffered a short burst of rain on her beautiful petals 🙂 xxxx


    1. I love the fact that the variety is actually called Denim Revolution. My other Hibiscus picture (soon to be posted) is of a variety called White Lightning. That’s very pretty, too, with maroon in its centre.

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  1. Hi Sarah,
    I just saw this in my writing group newsletter and thought of you. If anyone can come up with a fun techie haiku, it’s you!
    2. Again open worldwide, this comp from ThinkGeek is for techie haiku. Surely if it’s funny, as most entries are, then it’s a senryu? Either way, you could win a $50 ThinkGeek voucher. If a friend or relative does your tech support, as in my case, then giving them the voucher would be a great way to say thank you. Or, you know, you could actually pay them, though that seems a bit extreme. After all, they’re IT people and we’re writers. They have all the money already.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I do quite a lot of my own tech support, but when I’m really stumped, I call on my brilliant computer repair person, Amanda, who refurbished and installed my amazing desktop PC. I see the voucher is in dollars. Not sure if the voucher is valid in the UK. Will check this out, though, Naomi. It sounds fun. Thanks.

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      1. I know how that goes! Sometimes it takes a whole day of pacing, groaning, running to the kitchen for a cup of coffee, before I can settle back into writing–especially if it’s an assigned theme.

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      2. I’m having that trouble at the moment, trying to write a guest post for one of my other blogging friends. She’s been waiting two or three months now, I think, and I’ve got a complete mental block about it. She’s very patient, though, and is willing to wait until 2017!


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