Time Traveller Returns From 1967 #urban fantasy

Flower Power2

Hello everybody,

I’m back following a month spent in a posh boarding school for girls.

My time machine took me back to 1967, as instructed, but not to the right month or the right location. Instead of visiting San Francisco to participate in The Summer of Love, I ended up on the southeast coast of the UK in the Autumn, in time for some less than peaceful happenings at a girls boarding school.

By the end of 2015, you will all have a chance to learn what a close call it was for the world during that term of 1967. Meanwhile, try to imagine how Doctor Who must feel about all those occasions he has saved our world from destruction by unwelcome extraterrestrials or creatures from other dimensions.

Enough of that for now. I don’t want to jitter present students at the posh establishment upon which I’ve based my fictional school: well, not yet, anyway.

Wearing my serious face now, I completed the July on-screen edit of my urban fantasy novel Desiccation, as intended, arriving at the end — albeit, exhausted — on the 31st of the month. Next thing on the agenda is to do an out-loud read-through from hard copy, doubtless, driving my family up the wall. But the dog will enjoy it, I’m sure.

Apart from this, of course, I intend to spend some serious catch-up time over at your blogs. I have missed you all during my sabbatical and have had a mighty battle with myself to stay away from WordPress. Just as well my time machine wasn’t advanced enough to send messages into the future whilst sojourning in the past.

And for your enjoyment, I’ve brought back a top ten hit from the music charts of 1967 that is a personal favourite of one of the main characters in my novel. Unfortunately, I can only mention the song by title in the story, otherwise I end up in copyright territory, which can prove expensive. As a teenager, The Who were one of my favourite groups, so the least I can do is give them a mention in my fiction all these years later.

Wishing you all a happy and fulfilling August

With love,

Sarah x


Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

21 thoughts on “Time Traveller Returns From 1967 #urban fantasy”

  1. Whilst I wasn’t born at the time, my Dad was a huge fan and sounds of The Who often thrummed around our house. Glad to hear you spent some quality time editing, and exhausting as it sounded, I hope you enjoyed the process and indeed the outcome!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hah, that makes me old enough to be your Mum! What a spring chicken you are, Dave 😉 And, yes, I did enjoy the editing (some of it savage). The novel is shorter and flows better now — the beauty of leaving a novel to marinade for a decade (or more) and then applying writing and editing techniques acquired since. Sometimes, it felt as if I was editing another writer’s novel.


  2. Shout it from the rooftops, Sarah is back and blogging! And with one my favourite songs too! How wonderful to see you back here my dear friend, and many congratulations on meeting your deadline with your edit. I am so proud of you! I am smiling at the vision I have of you reading to your lovely dog 🙂 Can’t wait to hear more news of your novel, sounds fantastic…in more ways than one 🙂 xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d love to see you, dear Sherri, shouting from the rooftops, dancing along like Mary Poppins between the chimney pots! As for The Who, I was so in love with Roger Daltry when I was 14 that I wrote a romance that filled up an exercise book. My friends loved it. Shame I didn’t keep the book really. It was called “Pictures of Lily’ after the song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7BmkBroiw1s
      There you are, Sherri. Thought you’d appreciate that link. xxxx


      1. Oh I do appreciate this link Sarah, very much! I would love to read your story, how wonderful! And as for Mary Poppins, haha 😀 If only I had her handbag, who knows what treasures I might produce! Love it…have a lovely day my friend 🙂 xxxx

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The daily watching of the Mary Poppins movie by my daughter … that brings back memories 🙂 She could almost quote the whole movie, word-by-word. Am glad you loved the link I sent you, Sherri. You have a lovely day, too. I have square eyes whilst typing this comment, following hours of concentrated formatting. Am looking forward to my afternoon cuppa and a flapjack in an hour’s time 🙂 xxxx

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Sounds great Sarah and I’m in the bookshop queue. As to using song lyrics I’ve never been that shy. I’d be delighted if Pete Townshend considered me worth suing 🙂


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