Allotment Haiku #8


  September harvest.
Produce packed with goodness:
bounty of the earth.

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

14 thoughts on “Allotment Haiku #8”

  1. Nice haul, Sarah! I got out in the last hour of sunshine to pick raspberries and pick the tail end of the green bean harvest. Looks like you’re still going strong.


    1. Yes, Naomi, we’re still going strong with potatoes, spinach, marrows, and carrots, plus a huge hoard of garlic, shallots, and onions drying in the summer house. That was the last of our broad beans this year, but probably enough to last a fortnight! Our raspberry bushes are newbies, so we didn’t get many this time round. In fact, it’s been one or two a week, so rather than squabble about who gets to eat them, I’ve given them to my dog as a treat, which she has greatly appreciated 🙂


    1. Thank you 🙂 I do so love the word awesome! It’s full of energy and enthusiasm, and just so positive. Eating our home grown vegetables is a most positive and energising experience.


      1. I don’t have a garden however I do brew my own wine. Sometimes it is as smooth as paint stripper but I am still pleased because I made it myself. Currently I have two types of orange on the go – orange wine – and spiced orange wine. They are still in the early stages.


      2. I remember my husband once made some wine of each colour. The red and white were acceptable, but the rose definitely tasted like paint stripper. I decided not to risk my life with a glassful.


    1. It is all very yummy. If I was to run a taste contest between the produce, I’d give first place to the carrots, second place to the tomatoes, and third place to the garlic!


      1. I think that even when stores claim that produce is fresh, they’re not taking into account transit and warehousing time before it ever hits the shelves. Even if I keep some of my homegrown produce for two weeks (some of it unrefrigerated), it still ends up fresher than something bought in the store that’s classed as in date.


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