My Fun Meet-up with Fellow Blogger, Vikki Thompson!


Last Thursday, I had a fantastic get-together with fellow writer and blogger, Vikki Thompson. She left home at seven in the morning for our meet-up in my home town on the south coast, and my first sight of Vikki was of a most industrious writer sat at a table outside a café on the seafront, her head bent over a notepad, scribbling away, with a latte to sustain her.

I’ve known Vikki for about a year, on-line, and really love the chatty style of her writing blog.  She’s such a focused and motivated person with regard to writing, although she’d probably argue with that! I always knew we’d gel if ever we met up, so it was a delight to discover that, on a global scale. we lived around the corner from each other.

Seated outside the café, we succeeded in talking to each other non-stop for about five hours. About three-quarters of our conversation was about writing — Vikki had some wonderful tales to share — and the rest of the time we chatted about other things we had in common.

I came away from our get-together feeling incredibly inspired and glad to have met someone travelling the same writing road with such dedication. We write different types of fiction, but our goals are the same.

For me, this is the start of a great friendship, including a shared passion for homemade cakes, especially coffee and walnut sponge.


Vikki blogs at

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

33 thoughts on “My Fun Meet-up with Fellow Blogger, Vikki Thompson!”

  1. I had a meet with Vikki a couple of weeks ago and she’s such a lovely, bubbly gal! I should have written a blogpost about it – I’m just so lazy when it comes to blogging! I guess it’s not too late, though. Great post 🙂


    1. Yes, I agree. Vikki is a lovely and bubbly gal! She’s one of those people who emits such positive vibes and enthusiasm, it’s only possible to smile around her and feel entirely energised 🙂

      PS Hey, Vikki, hope we’re not making you blush with all these compliments 😉


  2. We call those meetings of bloggers, MOB’s. And the strange thing about them, whenever a bunch of bloggers meet, the conversation just seems to flow as if you’ve known one another for years.
    Glad you had an enjoyable day Sarah 😉
    As well as good cake. Good cake is quite something worth putting make up on for 😉


  3. I would have been most disappointed if the ‘cake porn’ had been absent especially as I am on a diet and enjoying my cake vicariously through others 😀


      1. I actually had wedding cake on saturday at my little brothers wedding but am thinking a slice of nice cake a week might be a good treat 😀


  4. Your afternoon sounds like heaven! How I long to meet so many of you in person. While I enjoy our online chats, nothing replaces the face to face contact of a kindred spirit…

    So glad you took me along….and great to meet you Vikki 😉


  5. Mob?! Never heard of that but glad it has a name. I met up with Vikki three months after exchanging comments on our blogs (not a proper MOB as we found we were going to same tiny NANOWRIMO retreat) and yes, she is as bubbly and as generous as your description. And a helluva blogger!


    1. Hi Bridget. So you’re another one of those brave NanNoWriMo participants. My brain doesn’t move fast enough to write a book in a month, but I greatly admire anyone who can manage such a feat.

      Yes, I agree, Vikki’s blog is the greatest!


  6. Wow… I love this news… I wish to meet you too Sarah 🙂
    Actually we are all friends online… and it really is amazing if you meet up with one of your blogger-friends here in WordPress for real! Awesome!
    I can’t wait to have this kind of meeting up one day 🙂


    1. Let me know if you come to the UK, Dolly, as I’d love to meet you, too, although, preferably outside of London as I hate the chaos there. I’ve been there once in the last twenty years and that was on a Sunday to the City of London, where all the big business and commerce takes place during the week. On a Sunday it is so quiet and you can see all the grand architecture. some of it of great historical interest, without the crowds! I went to attend a concert of early music there, at the Academy of St Cecilia, I remember them singing Zadok the Priest and it nearly blowing my mind.


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