For The Love Of Haiku

kids’ play area
recluse’s idea of hell
wax ear plugs required

To join in with adollyciousirony’s haiku fun for this week, and to find out what others are saying about the playground image above (which, for those with less sensitive ears than mine, might be their idea of heaven!) visit

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

15 thoughts on “For The Love Of Haiku”

    1. Ah, on a daily basis you prove to be more and more of a kindred spirit to me.

      You know, my son is just like me. Even when he was a small child, he would say, “I want to go home now. Those children are making too much noise”. Our greatest delight was to find the playground empty!


      1. probably because I’m getting older Sarah, and have not had young kids round me for the longest time, but I can’t handle the noise they make. Unless it’s a happy noise, and you know those. alas, kids these days are just little screaming, whiny monsters – my view at least 😉
        As for kindred spirits – it seems we all have somebody that links up – regardless of distance!!


  1. hahaha… when my kids were little and made their tantrums… I just put them in one corner and let them shout and scream and ignored them until they’d stop.
    Thank God they are all grown ups now 🙂
    Thanks Sarah for another dainty haiku this week… xoxo


    1. My mother used to remind me, prior to visiting elderly relatives, “Little children should be seen and not heard”. In some ways this could work to your advantage, because, in not being heard, you “overheard” all sorts of adult conversation you weren’t meant to hear.


      1. Here, here! I don’t think that sort of thinking is good for them, either. At some stage they’ve go to learn they’re not the centre of the universe, and the later the wake up call, the more pain for them and probably others, too.


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