The sunshine award: yay, I’m basking in its rays :-)

Thank you so much, Christy, for nominating me for the happy, smiley Sunshine Blogger Award. Christy is a freelance writer and poet whose words radiate warmth, so do check out her blog — especially her special sunshine post at

The Sunshine Blogger Award is customarily bestowed upon bloggers whose positivity and creativity inspire others — a thing to be valued most highly in a world dominated by negative and destructive reportage.

The rules of the award are as follows:

  1. Post the sunshine award logo.
  2. Thank the person who nominated you.
  3. Answer the eight set questions (as listed below).
  4. Hand out awards to other sunny bloggers.
  5. Link to sites of nominees and leave comments to notify them of their awards.

The questions and my answers:

  1. What’s your favourite Christmas movie?  “The Snowman” (based on the children’s book by Raymond Briggs).
  2. What’s your favourite flower? This one is so difficult; I just love flowers. Give me a summer herbaceous border or a meadow filled with wildflowers and I’m floating. But if I must choose, it’s wild climbing roses, followed by tulips, cowslips, and cornflowers.
  3. What’s your favourite non-alcoholic beverage? Freshly filtered water.
  4. What’s your favourite passion? I don’t get too passionate about anything, as I think that passion can have a flip side, which is intolerance, anger, hatred, and an unwillingness to consider other people’s viewpoints. There are things I care about deeply, such as truth, justice, peace, environmental sustainability, and family life.
  5. What’s your favourite time of year? Late summer, through to early autumn.
  6. What’s your favourite time of day 5-5.30 p.m. which is when I chill out with my family in comfy chairs to share a pot of tea and homemade cake, and discuss what sort of day we’ve had.
  7. What’s your favourite physical activity? Walking around beautiful gardens with plenty of rustic benches for rest breaks.
  8. What’s your favourite vacationI’ve not been on holiday for twenty years, but, if I could, it would involve peace, quiet, and wild landscapes of the Celtic or Nordic variety, or a pilgrimage to a remote shrine.

And now for my sunshine bloggers 🙂

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

13 thoughts on “The sunshine award: yay, I’m basking in its rays :-)”

  1. Congratulations, Sarah! Well deserved , it’s nice to learn a little bit more about you.
    Ciao, Francina


  2. Congrats! You really deserve the sunshine award, always brightening my pages with your kind comments. You rock it, Sarah, love your pages and the way your mind rolls 🙂


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