Monday Morning #Haiga — Fox Cubs

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

33 thoughts on “Monday Morning #Haiga — Fox Cubs”

    1. Dear Rochelle,

      Thank you 🙂 Yes, I took this photo through my bedroom window early in the morning. I have many more fox cub photos, one of which I love so much (and it’s properly in focus!) that I’m hanging on to it, hoping I can enter it for a wildlife photography competition.

      I’m slowly getting back to blogging. We must have girls’ facetime soon. I’ve had a lot going on my end, which now seems to be sorting itself out. My mood is much improved, as a consequence!

      Hope to speak to you and Dale soon. I’ve been passing afleeting eye over Friday Fictioneer photo prompts, but mega-inspiration hasn’t struck yet. I need something to grab me bigtime to kickstart my storytelling once more. Plus, I’ve not had time to commit to full engagement with other Friday Fictioneers and read their stories.

      All best wishes,

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Sarah, I do understand. Lately my enthusiasm for FF has be on the wane. Not the best thing for the facilitator, is it?Lately the numbers have dropped and so has the quality of the storytelling. Then, my mood is not so improved these days. But I’m glad you’re on the upswing.

        Yes, we do need to plan a face to face soon. I’ve missed Dale three days in a row now. Her schedule’s been crazy if not grueling. Hoping she can find a better job. Soon.

        At any rate…best wishes back atcha,


        Liked by 2 people

      2. Perhaps, Rochelle, it’s time to hand FF over to another facilitator and concentrate on your own blogging. Sometimes things get past their sell-by date and it’s time to move on. Nothing to stop you running an occasional invitation-only guest storyteller slot from your blog, like I used to do on mine and might restart in the future if the spirit moves.

        Sorry to hear your mood is on a downswing. You definitely need girls face time, sooner rather than later! I’m not sure I can manage it this week, but at the moment it looks as if next week is possible (except for Monday).

        If you liaise with Dale and then let me know when you’re both free, that would be great.

        Chin up, gal 🙂
        Sarah x


  1. Of course I loved this. Such an economy of words…such an explosion of imagery. Well done my friend.

    We don’t have many foxes around here, if any, and my chickens are quite happy about that. 🙂

    Have a brilliant day! Sending hugs your way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, dear Bill. I bet your chickens are very happy not to have foxes around (I’m thinking of Roald Dahl’s children’s book ‘Fantastic Mr Fox’ and that cunning four-pawed hunter’s ever more extreme plans and tricks to get at the chickens).

      Wishing you a brilliant week. Hugs to you, too 🙂


    1. They are cute but not to be encouraged too much. Some people in my neighbourhood feed them, when there’s no shortage of pickings for them in the wild woods and fields nearby. The foxes then can become a nuisance, digging up lawns, sneaking into houses, and leaving their scat on doorsteps. It is nice to have them as occasional visitors, though. My dog is definitely not impressed with them, as a cub once nipped her on the nose through the fence when she was wagging her tail at it and attempting to be friendly! Their teeth are like needles.


    1. Thanks, Shey 🙂 I’ve been having a break from regular blogging for a few months, and from my computer, too. Needed to recharge my batteries, do a bit of socialising, and enjoy the great outdoors. As the days close in, I intend to return to more blogging and get back to writing. Am also having a breather, as my latest novel is with beta readers and I’m awaiting their verdicts! As for the foxes, I thought they were meant to be nocturnal but ours are out and about during the day as well, and not averse to sunbathing in our gardens at midday!


      1. Well, your foxes must like your garden. I was surprised to see them there in broad daylight on your pic. Mind you maybe if you live in a more rural environment they feel less threatened. Where we are historically was rural and what wasn’t was all big houses with huge grounds. There’s countryside not too far away but the foxes here are prob what they call urban foxes, Mr did actually see one, one day up at Claypotts’ junction, waiting, quite the thing, for the lights to change and the crossing bit to beep, so it could get over. That was midday. So I suppose they sometimes will come out in the day even here.But I think they go about at nights. I’ve often heard what I reckon were foxes but in the five years here never seen one, until there was this huge one walking along the old garden wall one night in the dark. I also gather that they dig dens down in the old cemetery in the centre of Broughty Ferry, just down the road, so the place is prob riddled with them. Nice to see you back and to hear you have a new novel in the offing. Sometimes you do just need a break from it all. xxx

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      2. You’ve painted a fascinating picture of your foxes and your locality, Shey. That’s so funny about the fox waiting for the bleep to sound at the crossing. I guess if guide dogs for blind people can do things like that, so can foxes. Our foxes are semi-urban, as we live right at the edge of a seaside town with woodland and downland nearby. Best of all worlds, I suppose, but I prefer the woodlands and fields to the town centre any day xxxx


      3. I wish I’d seen that fox at the crossing. The Mr said what was so funny was the way it just padded up, waited for the bleep bleep. Got to the next bit, waited again. And it was like…what are you all looking at?

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      4. My bro has just told me that he saw a deer doing the same thing at a crossing. Knowing how deer usually dash across the road without looking and cause many an accident, I’m wishing that more of them could look before leaping, to reduce the carnage!


      5. The animals are probably taking a united front, as humans have gone so crazy! My mother has a photo of a deer, pheasant, fox and rabbit all visiting her array of bird tables at the same time and eating the food there, rather than eating each other 🙂


  2. Rather glad the dog was busy snoring and not chasing off these two lovelies!
    So very glad to see you this morning (See? Rochelle is right! I am so far behind on my reading. And I agree with her, the past few weeks, FF has been rather a chore – the reading of too many boring stories. Mind you, this week is much better.)

    Now, must hop into the shower to go back to that damn golf club.
    I know I am slow, but I am reading a bit every night of “Twicers” – and I am truly loving it.

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    1. Hello, Dale. I’ve just been discussing with Rochelle when it might be possible for us to girls arrange a facetime pow wow! I’m free next week in my afternoons/your mornings, except for Monday. Hope the golf club can spare you at some point. If you liaise with Rochelle and let me know.

      I’m so, so, so pleased that you’re truly loving “Twicers” 🙂 🙂 🙂

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      1. Cool. I get my schedule tomorrow (she was working on it today but I didn’t see what was what.) As soon as I know, I’ll let all a-y’all know!
        I am so done with the golf club.

        I truly am. I just wish I had more than 10-15 minutes to read before bed!

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      2. My eyes won’t stay open longer than 10-15 minutes if I pick up a book in the evening, and I haven’t got a golf club anywhere in the equation! I have to see the opthalmist next Wednesday morning, as the optician said I’d had some bleeding behind one of my eyes. They get very sore from reading, watching TV or sitting in front of the PC for too long, all of which I love doing, so it’s very frustrating. Perhaps the opthalmist might be able to recommend some eye drops or supplements, or both.
        Are you looking around for jobs other than the golf club? Perhaps I shouldn’t ask that, in case your boss happens to read your blog 😉

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      3. Oh my goodness! That is awful! I hope drops or supplements help. Must be so disheartening.
        I will. Not yet (and no worries. I write in English 😉 )
        And even so, I am not ‘friends’ with her on FB.
        I will rest for a couple of months and then. come January, will look for something. Of course, if something finds me that’s a whole ‘nother kettle of fish.

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    1. Thanks, Andrea 🙂 The flax plant on the rockery outside the kitchen window is a good screen for the foxes to hide from my dog, should she awake. I have a picture of one of the cubs peering through it’s leaves, though, cheeky wotsit!

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    1. Dearest Sherri, It seems we have lots of loves in common when it comes to nature in all its variety and, we hope, its continued abundance. I do so admire 16-year-old Greta Thunberg and her passion for saving the world… she and octogenerian David Attenborough are at the top of the list of people I admire the most in the public eye. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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