March’s Guest Storyteller, Björn Rudberg


Björn Rudberg is a blogger and a poet hailing from Stockholm Sweden. He has a PhD in physics but works with businesses in the tech-industry. He writes flash fiction and is a regular contributor to Friday Fictioneers. He manages an online community for poetry, dVerse (, and is also one of the contributing toads at Real Toads ( He is a member of a writing community in Stockholm that has produced one collaborative collection of short stories, Keyhole Stories, and is in the process of producing its second collection.



Sarah says: I’m delighted to welcome Björn as my guest storyteller this month. I first met him through Friday Fictioneers, where his almost weekly contributions have always impressed me. He’s an adventurous writer, who is happy to experiment with various techniques of storytelling, sometimes combining poetry and prose. Whatever he produces, he always manages to surprise and intrigue me, whether it’s dark, satirical, or on a subject he feels passionate about. Do visit his blog, Björn Rudbergs Writings  after you’ve finished here, and I’m sure you’ll agree with what I’m saying.    

But enough from me. I’ll hand you over to Björn now, who will tell you what his story is about, and he has provided us with a soundcloud recording of his story too!


Björn says: Writing flash-fiction is very much like writing poetry to me, I try to keep a rhythm in my language (actually it’s often close to iambic meter). I have chosen a story from last year that represents the writing I like best. The story is actually a parable about human trafficking where I have chosen Charon the ferryman as the trafficker.




My boat is ready when they come in groups. Orphans, elderly, unshaven men and teenage girls.

The mica in their eyes reflect the river; fear; and in their hands they clutch my fee. But there are those I leave behind. They sleep in tents, and call for help.

They try in vain to trade their goods for coins.

I have a small collection, bribes and trinkets, and my bed is always warmed by girls believing they can melt my granite soul.

I am Charon and my fee is fixed; and worse than Hades is the nothingness of being left behind.


You can find the links to previous guest storyteller posts at 


Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

33 thoughts on “March’s Guest Storyteller, Björn Rudberg”

  1. Dear Sarah (And Björn),

    So nice to see one of my favorite storytellers here. There’s so much emotion in this story, made more intense by the audio. One of your best, Björn! Great choice, Sarah.



    Liked by 3 people

    1. Dear Rochelle,
      I’m so pleased to have Björn guesting here, as he is one of my favourite storytellers, too.
      And yes, I agree wholeheartedly with what you say. It is one of his best, and the audio does indeed add intensity to his very emotional piece of writing.
      All best wishes,


    1. He is very talented and often poignant in his writing. Do check out some more of his writing, if you have a moment, or two, or three. I’m certain you’ll find it time well spent, Bill.
      Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend.


  2. Oh yes! Love Björn’s stories – and how wonderful to hear the voice that goes with that handsome face and talent! It gives the story a whole ‘nother level.

    Great choice this month, Sarah!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. We girls have all noted how handsome Björn is, now we’ve seen those bright blue eyes usually hidden behind sunglasses! I just love that reading of his. He should be in movies with that voice and those looks. …Do you think we’re embarrassing him, Dale?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Funny you should say that, but one of my favourite actors, Cillian Murphy, has bright blue eyes like you and he often plays extremely villainous characters. I don’t know if our British TV series “Peaky Blinders” has been shown in Sweden, but he plays the part of Thomas Shelby, the leader of a Birmingham gang in the 1920s (based on a true story), and when he fixes someone with those blue eyes, it’s either to seduce them or to order their execution!


      2. He definitely is! And yes… I would have him read for me any time! And yes!! Such a nice day it is to see those baby blues!
        And maybe we’ve gotten a blush out of him 😉

        Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you enjoyed this post, Inese. Yes, me too — this is yet another good book to add to my ever-lengthening reading list. Meanwhile, I will enjoy reading Björn’s brilliant flash fiction on his blog 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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