Monday Morning #Haiku 106 — Begonias

Red and yellow begonias

Begonias shout
splodges of paintbox colour
amidst verdancy.

Flame orange begonias

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

8 thoughts on “Monday Morning #Haiku 106 — Begonias”

  1. Dearest Sarah…at last, I am here looking at your gorgeous begonias (sorry I didn’t make it yesterday as promised…the day disappeared as they seem to do way too often these days…*sigh*…). ‘Paintbox colour’ indeed…so beautiful 🙂 xxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dearest Sherri… I have other flower pictures to delight the eye, too, which will be appearing on my blog eventually and some to email to you, too. My garden is in a bit of an in-between stage this week, but my begonias are still going strong and have even more flowers on them than in the picture. Also, my orange flame ones are out now. They are exceedingly bright and clash wonderfully with my bright pink geraniums 🙂 xxxx

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      1. I can’t wait to see your beautiful flower pics dearest Sarah! I hope all is well with you. What a time of it we are having since the vote…but more on that later. Thank goodness for the beauty and colour of our gardens. Will be over to you tomorrow my dear friend…have a wonderful evening, thank goodness for some sun today! Love & hugs 🙂 xxxx

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