Spring haiku #6


horse chestnut in bloom
abundance of pink flowers
conker factory


For any of my followers from outside of the UK who haven’t heard of the traditional English children’s game of “conkers”, you can read about it at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conkers

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

16 thoughts on “Spring haiku #6”

    1. It’s a wonderful colour pink and the tree is as huge as a cathedral, crowning the top of the road where I live. In a high wind, you need a tin hat to walk along the pavement under the tree. You also have to be careful where you put your feet, for fear of twisting your ankle on the conkers. But the worst hazard are the Health & Safety inspectors who want to stop children playing conkers. Maybe, one day, they might decide to cordon off that part of the pavement in November for everyone’s protection. Should they send their chainsaws to chop down the tree, then it is war.


      1. This year Moox and I hope to go find somewhere with conkers. There seems to be one tree in the whole of the Rhondda and it is soon stripped bare.


  1. I once injected a conker with PVA glue in order to cheat at conkers. I know I am bad – but if I get on the counselling course I will be able to deal with my issues.


    1. The ultimate large shiny conker used to be a much sought-after prize amongst children, especially boys. Now they prefer they prefer to show off their latest Xbox games.

      I’m glad you enjoyed the haiku 🙂


    1. Wow, that’s amazing. Well, I guess in the UK we haven’t got any of those super-colourful plants and birds that you post photos of on your blog, so we need something that’s ours to show off!!!


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