#Tanka 52 — Dreaming of Ratatouille

Original artwork copyright (c) Sarah Potter 2020
Peppers and eggplants...
dreaming of ratatouille.
a coat of many colours,
some deadly, some nutritious.

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

18 thoughts on “#Tanka 52 — Dreaming of Ratatouille”

    1. Thank you, Andrea 🙂 The aubergine/eggplant had me particularly challenged. My first attempt looked very flat, so I had to paint over it and start again, having read up about using graded shading to achieve a 3-D effect.

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    1. Dear Rochelle,

      Praise indeed from my very talented artist friend! I’m really enjoying the challenge of painting. Am about to start on some Christmas cards next, at someone’s request.

      Looking forward to our chat this week.

      All best wishes,

      Liked by 1 person

  1. It feels to me like “Solanaceae” has been waiting a long time to be the star of someone’s tanka! And your last line is perfect… ^_^

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You and I have been a bit sporadic with our blog posts of late. I’m too busy with customers and preparing the house for winter to do my blogs. With that said, it’s always a treat when your name pops up in my feed. Thank you for the tanka; it brought a smile to my face, which is a gift, and I appreciate it.

    I hope this finds you well. Take care, dear friend. Hugs and love heading your way.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Bill, having lots of customers sounds most positive to me, in a time when many people don’t have much custom or jobs to go to. I am pleased that you’re in demand, and I expect this is because people can trust you to do what you do properly.

      I am always pleased to bring a smile to your face, my dear friend. Hugs and love heading your way, too.


    1. Thank you so much, Sylvia 🙂 Have you done any more paintings? I know that your sister is super-artistic, but I thought you showed talent, too. It is such relaxing fun to paint, I have given up comparing myself to other artists and writers, as it’s so easy to lose the essential joy of something and become discouraged — especially if it’s a member of one’s own family who’s the genius, as is the case! The advent of “the plague”, as I call it, has made me evaluate my approach to life and attempt to press the reset button.

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      1. Yes, piano playing is very relaxing and uplifting. I like to accompany myself singing,, which I do better when there is no-one else in the house (apart from the dog). Directly anyone comes home, the mistakes start piling in, as I move out of the zone and become self-conscious. I also have a harpsichord at my disposal for accompanying early music songs from the pre-piano historical age. As a child, I would spend hours and hours on the piano.

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