#Tanka 44 – Poised for Autumn

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

9 thoughts on “#Tanka 44 – Poised for Autumn”

  1. The wind was blowing this morning and leaves were falling. It caught me by surprise…September 4th seems early for me….but what do I really know about anything? 🙂 Good to see you back, my dear friend. I hope you are well! Sending hugs your way.


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    1. Thank you for the hugs, Bill, my dear friend 🙂 I’m trying to be back, but am not quite myself yet. Mister thinks I’m suffering from burnout from all the novel-writing and it being such an uphill struggle to get the recogninition he thinks I deserve (sweet of him, the bit about “deserving”). This morning I felt beholden to grapple with the bindweed jungle at the allotment and my energy sort of found me about halfway through the job. The weather is confusing, though, swinging between Summer and Autumn. This afternoon it’s hot sunshine outside, however, when I took the dog out first thing, I had to wear my hoodie and padded gilet as the air was so bracing. Will be over to your blog soon, for a catchup reading session when I’m properly awake. Am presently falling asleep at the PC, which is hopeless.


    1. Thank you, Andrea 🙂 I am loving September and it is indeed rejuvenating me. This month and October are my favourites, and the first day of Autumn is when my new year officially begins, rather than on January 1st.

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    1. Yes, I love autumn, too 🙂 It’s good to be back, dearest Sherri… especially all the lovely welcome from my most loyal blog followers, in light of my frequent disappearances for weeks on end throughout this year! xxxxxxxxxxx

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      1. It is lovely to know you still have loyal readers. I have found the same, as you know, despite my long absences. I love your posts and always enjoy visiting you here, dearest Sarah. Here’s to a lovely autumn for us both 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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