Monday Morning #Haiga 01 — Sheep Chic

No, I haven’t made a spelling mistake in the title of my post. Due to having shifted over to the more mobile friendly Gutenberg editor, it’s no longer possible to display haiku the old way. As you’ll see with my last few haiku posts, I’ve had to display my words as a caption to the photo, which means the font is far too small. When I tried it as separate text, all the words jumped into one line on publication.

Rather than persevere with a less than perfect solution to the problem, I’ve decided that the post celebrating my 200th week of Monday morning haiku  was my last.  Instead, I’m going to post a haiga on Mondays, which is the name for a haiku integrated into a photo.

Back in the days of the Japanese masters, haiga were paintings but, as my photographs are better than my paintings and my haiga quicker to produce with the help of Gimp (GNU image manipulation programme), please forgive me if I don’t go down the purist’s route.   

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

17 thoughts on “Monday Morning #Haiga 01 — Sheep Chic”

  1. Shabby chic indeed, my friend. The farm where we keep our chickens is looking a bit shabby this fall, as are the chickens and sheep and goats and horses and pigs and the one llama….shabby but beautiful all the same.

    Wishing, for you, the best of weeks, filled with peace, happiness, and love.



  2. It’s funny…. when you told me, when I started writing haiku because of you, that FB would make it all wonky, I automatically put my haiku into the picture! Didn’t know it was no longer a haiku but a haiga. Go figure.
    By the way, there is a great little free photo editor called “PicMonkey” that I use to insert text 😉
    And this is a lovely haiga…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the idea of a haiga, Sarah, but have never heard of it. Congrats on 200 haiku’s. Good to see you blogging again. I’m still catching up…but I’ve done it. I’ve written my memoir, it’s with an editor as I type. Still can’t quite believe it. I want to tell everyone, but I know there’s still work to do. But I’ve written a complete book. Hope we can catch up soon. Got a stinking cold at the moment, all the stress of getting the book finished last week no doubt…love and hugs, dearest Sarah… 🙂 xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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    1. Thank you, dear Sherri. I’m so proud of you finishing your memoir. What a grand achievement. You must tell me all about who’s editing it and all the other details when we talk next. Poor you, having a stinking cold. Fighting to complete a huge project, while the world keeps throwing every obstruction in your way, can really take its toll on one’s health. I’m just having to take each day as it comes at the moment and not expect too much out of it. Am exhausted after years of writing and trying +++ Maybe I’m trying too hard and might succeed better if I learn to chill, and perhaps stop writing cross-genre stuff. People love memoirs, there’s a big market for it, and you’re a wonderful writer, so I don’t think you’ll encounter the same obstacles. Lots of love, hugs, and kisses, and hoping you recover from your cold quickly, my lovely friend xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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      1. Aww…my dearest Sarah, I am quite overcome by your really lovely message on this wet, blustery day as I enter that ‘crash and burn’ state of having finished a book, which I know all you know about. And goodness knows, you have worked so very hard for so long and you are such a wonderful, beautiful writer that I just can’t believe you will not find your publisher to be. I do feel pretty wrecked. The last push so punishing it’s hardly surprising I succummbed to this awful bug, still got me down, now a sinus/cough thing and I’ve had enough!!!!! It is exhausting though, isn’t it? Writing is hugely tough with all the focusing and battling interruptions constantly, and derailments and wanting to keep going so consumed with the passion and compulsion to get it written – yet, it can’t be rushed. It has to speak to us, tell us its story as we let it breathe. So we need to take that time to process and think. I did most of my thought processing in the small hours (must admit, I’m sleeping better since finishing it so that tells you something…) and then get so frustrated when I couldn’t get to my draft first thing thanks to who knows what. But…enough said. You know, my dear, lovely friend! I will text you this week and we must set up a time to talk and yes, we will discuss all, and thank you so much for all your amazing support and encouragement over these many years. You’re an absolute star and a wonderful friend and writer. So keep writing…but not at the expense of your health. We will help one another chill! Lots of love, hugs and kisses…Sherri xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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