Monday Morning #Haiku 130 — Black Swan (2)

Black Swan

Smooth feathers, pond-drift,
so remote from Black Friday.
What then, your swan song?

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

19 thoughts on “Monday Morning #Haiku 130 — Black Swan (2)”

  1. Beautiful! Don’t think I’ve ever seen one of these up-close. It looks like you’re right next to him/her, Sarah. Was s/he ‘friendly’? I’ve heard about geese not being so nice (especially if eggs/young are there).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, he was very tame and serene. He seemed to love posing for the camera. Swans can be exceedingly cranky. I heard of one breaking a boy’s leg when he was walking along a canal towpath. Maybe black swans are more peaceable than white ones. We need an ornithologist or amateur bird-spotter’s opinion here!


    1. Thank you, Billy. Sometimes I feel “in this world and not off it”. I couldn’t believe those pictures on the news of people on the ground fighting each other for bargains. It seems far removed from the eternal scheme of things, if there is a scheme, or maybe it’s all random, which would explain a lot!


    1. Thanks, Jean:-) Do you have any black swans in Ireland? The swan in my picture was in someone’s private manor house that was open to the public. I’ve just read on someone else’s blog that there’s a pair of black swans there and one of them is rather nasty. I obviously met the good-tempered one. Maybe the nasty one is more like the people who resort to violence on Black Friday!


    1. A lot of them aren’t deals at all. What I’ve noticed is that a lot of retailers put up their prices a month ahead of Black Friday, in order to then slash those prices so that they seem like bargains! Do they think we’re born yesterday? Hubby purchased a radio for me a few weeks ago. This cost less (by at least £10) than the so-called Black Friday deals for exactly the same model.

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      1. Don’t I know it! It’s why I put “supposed”… Yet there must be so many who truly believe it and are willing to risk life and limb through the hoards of rabid shoppers. Can you tell I’m not one of them? 😆

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      2. Indeed, I’m sure you’re unscathed this fine Tuesday after, as is your bank account! The only thing I’ve purchased in the last few days are two pairs of People Tree fair-traded organic cotton leggings (that I planned to buy anyway) and paid the full and usual price for them. And very pleased with them I am. One pair is black and the other is plum. Now I’ve got to decide what jumper in my wardrobe goes with plum leggings! Perhaps my olive-green jumper, then I’ll look like a plum tree.

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