Wordless Wednesday — A Child’s Eye View of a Dairy Cow

Black Cow

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

19 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday — A Child’s Eye View of a Dairy Cow”

    1. Thanks 🙂 I expect I enjoyed drawing this picture, although I used to get a bit frustrated with recalcitrant waxy colouring pencils on cheap school book paper! I got marked 9/10 for this picture.


      1. I liked doing writing in my free time. Wasn’t so keen on doing it in class, as there were too many blocks put in the way of my free expression! Same goes for set books for Literature classes — not my kind of reading most of the time.

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    1. I was a little frustrated about not being allowed to go to art school. Domestic science college was thought a more suitable alternative, although it didn’t happen! (hah, does that remind you of a certain conversation in Desiccation, between Miss Dandridge and Samantha’s father?)

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  1. Udderly delightful. I know, sorry, I had to say it. But seriously Sarah, you drew this at 8? You have a natural artistic talent you know. I love this. Do you still draw? You should, if not. Hope you’re feeling bettter, big hugs… xxxx

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    1. I haven’t done any drawing for ages, Sherri, but if I ever find indie publishing too stressful, I’ll take up art again, as it’s so very relaxing. Yes, I’m feeling much better, thank you, my dear friend xxxx

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    1. I’m probably rather rusty at painting and drawing by now. Have been concentrating on my writing and, to a lesser extent, on music. If only I didn’t need to sleep, then I’d have 24 hours a day to be creative in numerous directions, instead of having to fine down my choice!

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