#Tanka 30 — Currents

Fish rock

September tide leaps,
seawater swirls in sunlight,
rocks turn into fish.
Boy eats fish and chips on beach,
dive-bombed by swirling seagulls.

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

20 thoughts on “#Tanka 30 — Currents”

  1. Love this Sarah, I was at the beach yesterday and there was an unusually low tide, so lots of things uncovered that aren’t usually seen (oh and I went just for a quiet walk and found myself in the middle of filming for Vera – not quite what I was expecting!)

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    1. Thank you, Andrea. Yes, I love all the things uncovered when the tide is particularly low. Fancy you getting caught up in a filming session. I wonder if they filmed you by mistake and had to edit you out, for not wearing the right clothes for Vera’s era!

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    1. It’s at one of my local beauty spots. I only feel truly alive when living near the sea. It must be the salt in the air. If I go inland, I feel the energy being drained out of me. My urban fantasy is set on and around the clifftops of the UK’s SE coast — a setting that lends itself well to mysterious sightings and inexplicable happenings!

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  2. Sounds like Brighton Beach 🙂 And that really does look like a fish there Sarah, wonderful photo, makes me feel so refreshed, as if I just paddled in the cool water. Your Tanka is very clever, loved the punch line, although I do hope the boy got to finish his fish & chips in peace. Have a wonderful autumn weekend dear Sarah, be in touch very soon! 🙂 xxxx

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    1. It’s a bit further along the coast, where the seagulls are no less ferocious and greedy than the Brighton ones! Apparently, seagulls have a problem with the colour red, so if I were to fish and chips on the front, I’d have to put up my red umbrella, even on a sunny day.
      You have a wonderful autumn weekend, too, dear Sherri 🙂 xxxx

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      1. Ahh…that’s good then and I didn’t know that about red, will have to remember that when next down on the Brighton sea front 🙂 Thank you dear Sarah…be in touch soon! 🙂 xxxx

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