Monday Morning #Haiku 64 — Clematis

Clematis & Snail

Slime versus beauty
Snail rests in clematis
Temporary truce

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

18 thoughts on “Monday Morning #Haiku 64 — Clematis”

    1. It’s amazing all the places snails lurk. My daughter once had some pet snails in an ice-cream box that she called ‘The Snailry’. One day they all escaped in her bedroom. About six months later we found them hibernating behind a poster on the wall!

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    1. I gave up with clematis in my own garden years ago, having had a couple of them munched up. The one in the picture is on a fence, beneath which there is a concrete path, so maybe without too much grass and foliage in the immediate vicinity, the majority of snails will go elsewhere.

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      1. Maybe ignorance is bliss, Robin! Their slime is very adhesive if you ever get it on your hands. It won’t even come off with soap and water very easily. I wouldn’t recommend touching one of those slippery blighters.


  1. It is nice to see the truce, Sarah. I was on Naomi’s blog where she had had her son being rushed off to preschool, he wanted to look at a bug. You mentioned you kept a bug drawing book your own son made. This made me realize I had missed a few of your posts.
    Then, it is so funny, I come over here and it isn’t a bug, it’s a snail on pretty flowers, I see. Smiles, Robin

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    1. I think my son’s bug drawing book included anything small that slithered or crawled.
      If you do a search for the word “snails” on my blog, Robin, you will find them mentioned often. I have an ongoing love-hate relationships with them — no, maybe hate is too strong a word. In my house, I have a collection of snail ornaments, from which my houseplants are safe!


  2. Your clematis is looking lovely Sarah…but as for that naughty snail hiding behind it, well, the cheek of it. They are out and about aren’t they? I am trying again, for the umpteenth time, to grow lupins this year (never give up is my motto, ha!). So far so good, there is new growth, but snails are appearing. I’m trying broken egg shells. Let’s see if they work as suggested… Hope you are having a good week dear Sarah 🙂 xxxx


    1. Lucky you. Song thrushes are beautiful. We have a Labrador, who although well-disposed towards birds, inadvertently scares them away while thundering around the garden in pursuit of foxes, cats, and squirrels!

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