Neglected Structures & Overgrown Places #17 — It’s Growing, That Old Timber Stack

27th NOVEMBER 2014

Timber stack 02

28th AUGUST 2014

Timber stack 01

When I first saw this timber stack, it was relatively neat and ordered, like a storage area belonging to someone who keeps bits of timber for a purpose such as for use in a wood-burning stove.

In three months it has deteriorated into a haphazard heap, which this week its owner has crowned with some colourful painted wood. Now I’m thinking, this hoard of timber is a case of “out of sight, out of mind”.

Into which class of person do you fall?

  • Do you throw things out unless they currently serve a useful purpose, or might do so in the identifiable future?
  • Do you hoard things just in case they come in useful at a later, unspecified date?
  • Do you dump stuff, treating it as “out of sight, out of mind”?

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

9 thoughts on “Neglected Structures & Overgrown Places #17 — It’s Growing, That Old Timber Stack”

  1. My husband keeps every, little, bloody piece of nonsense (motor for an electric toothbrush!!!) with the idea that it will serve a purpose later. UGH! I, on the other hand, throw away pieces that I don’t know what they belong to and then, of course, find out where they did belong too late! To be honest, I *may* keep some things for a later use…. 😉

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  2. Every so often , I have a good clear out. Hubby doesn’t like to throw away any pieces of wood or other DIY bits and pieces, because he believes that the day after he does, he will find a use for them. 🙂


  3. If i think I can use it, I’ll keep it.
    But this last clean out saw me throw out a heap of things that I once thought might come in handy…


    1. Well done, managing to throw out some things. It can be quite therapeutic and emotionally cleansing doing a bit of de-cluttering. I’ve just filled up a charity bag with a couple of ill-fitting coats I’ll never wear and some books. Now I have some space in my wardrobe (not that it’s excessively well stocked) and my bookshelves aren’t looking quite so strained at the brackets!

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  4. I’m more toward the middle group, especially as I have grown older and grown up, becoming more knowledgeable about the consumerism and “let’s make it plastic and disposable” attitudes. I prefer not to think of it as “hoarding,” however, as I try to be neat about it and could make myself stop if I needed to! 🙂


    1. I do wonder at some of the perfectly reasonable stuff that gets thrown out. My old laptop computer surpassed all of my family’s expectations re its life. Mister kept saying, you need a new computer, and I kept repairing it and repairing it, but in the end it couldn’t accommodate some of the new but necessary updates and refused to load Windows anymore. I admit to still having not got rid of it, just in case … in case of “what” I’m not sure!

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