Friday Fictioneers: Two Voices, One Head

How many more times must I tell you? I’m a reincarnation of Michelangelo, so stop pumping Risperdal into me and interrupting a genius at work. I intend to hatch a nautilus out of my living stone display. Yes, I said “living”. Of course, stones are alive. What are you blathering on about? They’re not inanimate, you idiot. Just give me space to communicate with them, otherwise they’ll keep giving birth to snail shells instead of a creature of divine proportions. What? You say I’m mistaken about the nautilus: the golden ratio is formed from a rectangle? Now who’s gone bonkers?


Photo Prompt: courtesy of Douglas McIlroy
Friday Fictioneers — 100 word stories

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

22 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers: Two Voices, One Head”

    1. I did consider putting “anti-psychotic meds” instead of naming a specific drug, but I decided it more likely for him to think of it as Risperdal, just as people who are on Warfarin would be more likely to call it that, rather than saying “my blood thinner” or “my anticoagulant”!

      But I get your point, Sandra. It’s not the first time I’ve confused people in stories with actual drug names. It comes with having worked in psychiatry and assuming everybody understands what I’m talking about!

      Anyway, I’m glad you took time to google it in order to understand the story better. Thanks 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Interesting conversation. Could be that a full-on sci-fi tale will soon be birthed from the dual imagination of a single brain. Neat take on the prompt.

    All my best,
    Marie Gail


  2. Dear Sarah,

    I cringed at the mention of Risperdal. Eighteen years ago I was hospitalized for an eating disorder. One of the drugs prescribed was that one. Apparently there had been some success with it in calming obsessive thoughts in ED’s. Together with Lithium it did anything but for me. One of the worst waking nightmares of my life. Happily I’ve been in recovery and med-free for some time.

    At any rate I love your story. It rang true on so many levels. Well done.



    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Rochelle

      What a coincidence that I mentioned Risperdal and you’ve had dealings with it. I shouldn’t think that taking it with Lithium was at all pleasant. You must have felt very dumbed-down and out-of-it on such a regime. Glad that you’ve recovered and have been med-free for some time, as there are very few drugs that are without unpleasant side-effects.

      I’m glad you loved my story and didn’t find the mention of Risperdal too traumatic.

      All the best


  3. As Michel said, He’s in there and you must set him free!! Do you think you might find an ammonite too somewhere in it. You might need a bigger room though. At their largest I believe they were the size of monster truck tires. Lovely display Sarah!!


    1. It’s all relative, some say. When I worked in psychiatry, some of the psychiatrists were so eccentric that they verged on … no, I won’t say, in case one of them happens upon my blog!

      I’ve often wondered if some of the famous historical characters who claimed to have had visions were, in fact, bonkers. I guess we’ll never know, as it was probably down to whether their vision suited some political or religious agenda or not.


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