Autumn haiku #1


November shadow.
Further to reach for sunshine,
light shrinks; dark lengthens.

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

11 thoughts on “Autumn haiku #1”

  1. Oh, yes. And the wind blows! It’s still dark, and I’m heading off into the storm to catch the NW Bookfest with your haiku to start my day and remind me that there is poetry even in November shadows. Thank you, Sarah!


  2. Well done! I spent the day raking leaves of autumn, and your post inspired me to write in the haiku format, though not with as much clarity as yours.


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