Tanka #19


By weeping willows
gurgling stream trickles down rocks.
~such tranquillity~
Waterlilies float, becalmed,
blue-sky above and below.



Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

13 thoughts on “Tanka #19”

    1. Thank you 🙂 The whole garden was lovely. It was a delightfully quaint, English outing. There was even a man sitting under a tree, playing the accordian and singing near the tea area, where I ate a very acceptable slice of iced coffee cake.


    1. Thank you, Naomi 🙂 It was a beautiful garden near to where I live in a village that seems untouched by time — if not a little feudal. I took loads of photos of flowers and bees in this garden, too, so these will appear on my blog in due course, as each inspires a haiku or tanka to go with it.


    1. I think there are some of those in our town, but I’m doing the circuit of various gardens that are open to the public for just one day a year and they are all set in idyllic villages. The one in the picture was at Firle, Nr Lewes — the village where the characterful Peter Owen-Jones is the anglican vicar. You may have seen him on telly and he’s written some very thought-provoking books on faith. And he and I have something in common, that we both dropped out from public school at around the same age!


      1. No, it’s not the NGS. Just some small thing for our part of the county. Friends of our local hospital were raising money.

        Wow, is your mother a countess? My ancestors owned a mansion that’s now opened to the public most of the year round.

        And then there’s us, in our humble abodes!


      2. The NGS people just open gardens. There was one here in Ynyshir the other year – it was just an average sized garden but opened to the public to raise money for charity. I think it is a fabulous idea.


      3. I’ve just noticed that the birthday card I’ve bought for my granddaughter (aged 11 this Friday) is a NGS card. It’s very funny. The picture, titled “Taking a Break” is of voluptuous topiary-hedge woman lying on a reclining wooden chair. I thought it would appeal to my granddaughter’s quirky sense of humour!

        I agree the NGS is a fabulous idea for raising money for charity. What sort of flowers and shrubs does your mother grow in her garden?


      4. She is a member of the Hardy Plants Society, so lots indigenous and she does have a thing for poisonous stuff and plants that are being removed from gardens to make way for short lived prettiness. Lots of willows and newts – also a newt is not really a flower or a shrub (I think it is a sort of tree).


      5. Yes, we have some poisonous stuff in our garden, which, a few years back meant extra training for a new puppy about what not to snack on. We’ve got such things as Red hot pokers (except the slugs seem to be able to eat them without dying), day lillies, and poison ivy. Am intending to plant some foxgloves. And newts would be nice … love to be able to buy them from the nursery 😉


      6. I love foxgloves. I would love to have a room in the same colour and shape as the inside of one of their buds (only much bigger). Alternatively I could use some kind of shrink ray and climb inside a real one. I think the first option is more likely.


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