The Illuminating Blogger Award

Many thanks to fellow UK writer, Vikki Thompson, at The View Outside, who has just nominated me for the Illuminating Blogger Award πŸ™‚

The rules of the award

  1. Thank the person who has nominated you for the award.
  2. Share with your fellow bloggers a random fact about yourself.
  3. Nominate five other bloggers for the award.

That random thingΒ 

I’m in the habit of wanting to learn vocal music that verges on being too difficult for me, and then getting really cross/stressed with myself when I don’t master a piece in five minutes. Various statement of anguish float out of my practice room, such as “this is far too difficult”, “I’m not up to this”, “I’ll have to sit this out in the concert”, “my voice isn’t as it used to be,” and “someone else will have to sing this”. Normally, I end up mastering the piece and wondering what all the fuss was about. Occasionally, I sort-of learn it, but not quite, so the singing of it in concert feels most precarious, which is okay when it’s a solo piece because I can bluff, but too much of a responsibility when part-singing.

My five nominees for the award



Teacher as Transformer

The Why About This

Anansi the Poet

Author: Sarah Potter Writes

Sarah is a British eccentric who writes offbeat fiction, haiku and tanka poetry. When stuck for words, she sketches or paints instead. She's into nature conservation, sustainability, gardening, dogs, natural health, and reading. Her sociability is something that happens in short bursts with long breathing spaces in between.

15 thoughts on “The Illuminating Blogger Award”

  1. Thanks for thinking of me regarding this reward Sarah πŸ™‚
    As for the singing thing – it’s been a long time since i learned anything new instrument wise, be it on the piano, or singing something challenging.
    These days I just belt out when I hear Mr Sinatra & co πŸ˜‰


    1. I was always too shy to sing in front of anyone as a child, up until the age of 40, when I sang my first solo at a funeral and, soon after that, at a wedding. Thereafter, I got to grips with my nerves and shyness, and have done loads of singing ever since.

      Used to play the piano well at school, but refused to do so at any concerts. My keyboard playing these days is passable, but not exceptional. I won the year’s music medal at school, aged 8.

      Mr Sinatra is cool πŸ™‚


  2. Congratulations on your Illuminating blogger Award. It’s a warm feeling to be recognized by other bloggers isn’t it? This one suits you well I think Sarah. Thank you for thinking of me for this one. I like the word Illuminating all by itself. Depth to the word. Again thank you so much for the nomination! Penny.


    1. You are most welcome and deserving of the award, Penny. And, yes, I agree that “illuminating” is a wonderful word all by itself. Also, I agree that it’s a warm feeling to be recognised by other bloggers. Every time I receive an award, It’s like opening a surprise present!


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